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SOLVATTEN Located at Stockholm, Phone: 08-543 524 39. .
SOLVATTEN Reviewed by Jens Ljunggren Portable container for purifying water using solar energy. Collect, purify and store water with low risk of recontamination. Solar energy,thermal effect and UV radiation and a created turbulence in the water combined with the built in filter will… Solvatten - Purify water with solar energy. Portable container for purifying water using solar energy. Collect, purify and store water with low risk of recontamination. Solar energy,thermal effect and UV radiation and a created turbulence in the water combined with the built in filter will inactivate pathogenes in a short time. Rating: 4




Jens Ljunggren

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Purify water with solar energy

Portable container for purifying water using solar energy. Collect, purify and store water with low risk of recontamination. Solar energy,thermal effect and UV radiation and a created turbulence in the water combined with the built in filter will inactivate pathogenes in a short time.

Kategorier: Miljökonsulter

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