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Paris on the electrical vehicle roadmap


Some 212 million people, or more than 29 per cent of Europe’s total population, live in the Continent’s 500 largest cities. Europe’s population is estimated at 727 million, with 379 million people living in the European Union, prior to its expansion in 2004. I am on my way to Malmö, Sweden and visit one of the networks meeting of The Covenant of Mayors in Europe. The network is a European Commission led project which unites towns and cities across the continent with a common environmental purpose. It aims to allow local authorities to work together, sharing ideas and strategies to create energy-efficient and low-carbon cities. I came across an article from Finacial Times that could be interested to read. The journalist Paul Betts wrote - In the volatile French pre-electoral political climate, Mr Delanoë hopes to repeat with the electric car project the huge popular and political – albeit costly – success of the Vélib bicycle-sharing scheme, which he launched four years ago. The city of Paris, and its neighbouring suburban communes, have together invested more than €200m to construct the necessary infrastructure, from parking spaces to battery recharging stations. Organisers hope the project will eventually reduce the numbers of privately owned cars in the city’s crowded boulevards, while also cutting pollution. Kaj Embrén, Sustainable Business Coach, +46-70-398 22 11, kaj@embren.com.




Jens Ljunggren

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Paris on the electrical vehicle roadmap

Some 212 million people, or more than 29 per cent of Europe’s total population, live in the Continent’s 500 largest cities. Europe’s population is estimated at 727 million, with 379 million people living in the European Union, prior to its expansion in 2004.

I am on my way to Malmö, Sweden and visit one of the networks meeting of The Covenant of Mayors in Europe. The network is a European Commission led project which unites towns and cities across the continent with a common environmental purpose. It aims to allow local authorities to work together, sharing ideas and strategies to create energy-efficient and low-carbon cities. I came across an article from Finacial Times that could be interested to read.

The journalist Paul Betts wrote - In the volatile French pre-electoral political climate, Mr Delanoë hopes to repeat with the electric car project the huge popular and political – albeit costly – success of the Vélib bicycle-sharing scheme, which he launched four years ago.

The city of Paris, and its neighbouring suburban communes, have together invested more than €200m to construct the necessary infrastructure, from parking spaces to battery recharging stations. Organisers hope the project will eventually reduce the numbers of privately owned cars in the city’s crowded boulevards, while also cutting pollution.

Kaj Embrén, Sustainable Business Coach, +46-70-398 22 11, kaj@embren.com.

Read the full article in the FT: www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/2b11b384-eb72-11e0-9a41-00144feab49a.html
See the interview with the Mayor of Malmö: www.kajembren.com/2011/02/ilmar-reepalu-mayor-of-malmo-sweden-2/
Källa: Kaj Embrén

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